
There are several things going on here. This site serves as a blog for rants, comments and possibly longer pieces and a place to archive work.  For the origins of Ztangi Press go here .

It has been some years since I last reviewed a book, recently however I reviewed Bernard Harcourt’s Cooperation: A Political, Economic, and Social Theory .  Afterwards I reviewed  – After Work: A History of the Home and the Fight for Free Time and you will find that review here. GEOGrassroots Economic Organizing  posted an audio version. Next I plan to review Hannes  Gerhardt’s From Capital to Commons: Exploring the Promise of a World Beyond Capitalism.

I have posted early sections from a long essay (47,000 wds) on the Jobs, Jive, and Joy page. The last selection is from the beginning of the section on TIME. I will not be posting more sections at this time.

There are seven sections to that essay. The first section was completed in the Summer 2019. It focused on Western Electric’s massive Hawthorne Works near Chicago and the early forms of worker-focused leisure that the company provided. It was called The Club. The second section on Time was finished a year later. It was followed by Play, The Work Ethic, Beyond Work and concludes with a Coda on strategy all written during the early years of the pandemic. The working title for the essay is Jobs, Jive, and Joy: An Argument for the Utopian Spirit.
